Boardman Tasker Night - Wragg, Dean, Cave & Venables!

The evening programme will commence with a reading by Martin Wragg from ‘The Shining Mountain’, Peter Boardman’s award winning first book, followed by a similar delivery by Steve Dean from Joe Tasker’s great work, ‘The Savage Arena’.

Andy Cave a BT winner will talk and lecture from his own master work, ‘Learning to Breathe’ and Stephen Venables another BT winner will explain about how this bolstered his adventurous life, and his latest climbs in South Georgia and Antarctica.

There will be an interval between Andy and Stephen’s talks, and a short appropriate fund raising entertainment will ensue!

Venue and address

Buxton Opera House, Water Street, SK17 6XN Buxton, United Kingdom

    Tickets for 11. October 2017

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Boardman Tasker Night - Wragg, Dean, Cave & Venables!

This event in Buxton was published by Buxton Adventure Festival.