War Horse

War Horse (2018)

04 Jul - 28 Jul 2018
Tickets: £15 - £55
Age Guidance: 10+ (No under 2s)

Based on the beloved novel by Michael Morpurgo.

Adapted by Nick Stafford. In association with the award-winning Hand Spring Puppet Company

Following 8 record-breaking years in London’s West End and having played in 11 countries around the world to over 7 million people, the National Theatre’s acclaimed play War Horse will return to Wales in summer 2018 following a sell-out season in 2014.

Based on the beloved novel by Michael Morpurgo, this powerfully moving and imaginative drama, filled with stirring music and songs, is a show of phenomenal inventiveness. At its heart are astonishing life-sized horses by South Africa’s Handspring Puppet Company, who bring breathing, galloping, charging horses to thrilling life on stage.

War Horse is an unforgettable theatrical event which takes audiences on an extraordinary journey from the fields of rural Devon to the trenches of First World War France.

“Be sure not to miss this stunning show” The Times

“A triumph of theatricality” The Observer

Contains flashing/strobe, pyrotechnics and bangs


War Horse (2018)

04 Gor - 28 Gor 2018
Tocynnau: £15 - £55
Canllaw Oed: 10+ (Dim plant dan 2 oed)

Yn seiliedig ar y nofel annwyl gan Michael Morpurgo.

Addaswyd gan Nick Stafford. Mewn cydweithrediad â'r cwmni pypedau hynod lwyddiannus Hand Spring Puppet Company.

Ar ôl 8 mlynedd hynod lwyddiannus yn West End Llundain a pherfformiadau o flaen mwy na 7 miliwn o bobl mewn 11 o wledydd ledled y byd, bydd cynhyrchiad poblogaidd y National Theatre War Horse yn dychwelyd i Gymru yn ystod haf 2018 ar ôl llwyddiant ysgubol yn 2014.

Yn seiliedig ar y nofel annwyl gan Michael Morpurgo, mae’r ddrama rymus a llawn dychymyg yma yn cynnwys cerddoriaeth a chaneuon iasol, sy’n dangos cryn lawer o ddyfeisgarwch rhyfeddol. Wrth wraidd y ddrama mae pypedau maint ceffylau go iawn gan gwmni pypedau Handspring o Dde Affrica, ac fe ddaw pob anadl, carlam a nerth y ceffylau’n fyw ar lwyfan.

Mae War Horse yn brofiad theatraidd bythgofiadwy sy’n tywys y gynulleidfa ar daith ryfeddol drwy gaeau cefn gwlad Dyfnaint i ffosydd y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf yn Ffrainc.

“Be sure not to miss this stunning show” The Times

“A triumph of theatricality” The Observer

Mae'r cynhyrchiad yma'n cynnwys goleuadau yn fflachio, pyrotechneg a chleciau.

Venue and address

Wales Millennium Centre, Wales Millennium Centre, Bute Place, CF10 5AL Cardiff, United Kingdom

    Tickets for 4. July 2018

  • Wed

War Horse

This event in Cardiff was published by Wales Millennium Centre.

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